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YEAR LIST 2013 followed by EXCURSION NOTES 2013 |
02.03.2013 | 1 | Large Tortoiseshell. Nymphalis polychloros | Pomarolo, Trentino, Italy |
02.03.2013 | 2 | Red Admiral. Vanessa atalanta | Pomarolo, Trentino |
02.03.2013 | 3 | Small Tortoiseshell. Aglais urticae | Pomarolo, Trentino |
02.03.2013 | 4 | Nettle-Tree Butterfly, Libythea celtis | Pomarolo, Trentino |
22.03.2013 | 5 | Comma. Polygonia c-album | Pomarolo, Trentino |
22.03.2013 | 6 | Clouded Yellow, Colias croceus | Pomarolo, Trentino |
--.03.2013 | 7 | Brimstone, Gonepteryx rhamni | Rovereto, Trentino |
01.04.2013 | 8 | Holly Blue, Celastrina argiolus | Montalcino, Tuscany |
06.04.2013 | 9 | Green-veined White, Pieris napi | Isera, Trentino |
13.04.2013 | 10 | Scarce Swallowtail, Iphiclides podalirius | Pedersano, Trentino |
13.04.2013 | 11 | Swallowtail, Papilio machaon | Pedersano, Trentino |
13.04.2013 | 12 | Chequered Blue, Scolitantides orion | Pedersano, Trentino |
13.04.2013 | 13 | Wall, Lasiommata megera | Pomarolo, Trentino |
28.04.2013 | 14 | Green Hairstreak, Callophrys rubi | Servis, Pomarolo. Trentino |
28.04.2013 | 15 | Grizzled Skipper, Pyrgus malvae | Servis, Pomarolo. Trentino |
28.04.2013 | 16 | Glanville Fritillary, Melitaea cinxia | Servis, Pomarolo. Trentino |
28.04.2013 | 17 | Orange Tip, Anthocharis cardomines | Servis, Pomarolo. Trentino |
09.05.2013 | 18 | Small White, Pieris rapae | San Colombano, Rovereto. Trentino |
09.05.2013 | 19 | Speckled Wood, Pararge aegeria | San Colombano, Rovereto. Trentino |
09.05.2013 | 20 | Dingy Skipper, Erynnis tages | San Colombano, Rovereto. Trentino |
09.05.2013 | 21 | Wood White, Leptidea sinapis | San Colombano, Rovereto. Trentino |
09.05.2013 | 22 | Small Heath, Coenonympha pamphilus | San Colombano, Rovereto. Trentino |
09.05.2013 | 23 | Small Blue, Cupido minimus | San Colombano, Rovereto. Trentino |
11.05.2013 | 24 | Green-underside Blue, Glaucopsyche alexis | Servis, Pomarolo. Trentino |
11.05.2013 | 25 | Common Blue, Polyommatus icarus | Servis, Pomarolo. Trentino |
12.05.2013 | 26 | Pearl-bordered Fritillary, Clossiana euphrosyne | Pedersano, Trentino |
18.05.2013 | 27 | Pale Clouded Yellow, Colias hyale ? | Moietto, Trentino |
18.05.2013 | 28 | Chapman's Blue, Polyommatus thersites | Moietto, Trentino |
26.05.2013 | 29 | Spotted Fritillary, Melitaea didyma | Servis, Pomarolo, Trentino |
26.05.2013 | 30 | Woodland Ringlet, Erebia medusa | Servis, Pomarolo, Trentino |
26.05.2013 | 31 | Duke of Burgundy Fritillary, Hamearis lucina | Servis, Pomarolo, Trentino |
28.05.2013 | 32 | Large Skipper, Ochlodes venata | Nogaredo,Trentino |
02.06.2013 | 33 | Silver-Studded Blue, Plebejus argus | Servis, Pomarolo, Trentino |
02.06.2013 | 34 | Adonis Blue, Lysandra bellargus | Servis, Pomarolo, Trentino |
08.06.2013 | 35 | Queen of Spain Fritillary, Issoria lathonia | Malga Somator, Bordala, Trentino |
08.06.2013 | 36 | Geranium Argus, Eumedonia eumedon, | Malga Somator, Bordala, Trentino |
08.06.2013 | 37 | Sooty Copper, Lycaena tityrus | Malga Somator, Bordala, Trentino |
14.06.2013 | 38 | Amanda's Blue, Agrodiaetus amanda | Servis, Pomarolo, Trentino |
14.06.2013 | 39 | Mazarine Blue, Cyaniris semiargus | Servis, Pomarolo, Trentino |
15.06.2013 | 40 | Chequered Skipper, Carterocephalus palaemon | Serrada, Trentino |
15.06.2013 | 41 | Painted lady, Vanessa cardui | Serrada, Trentino |
15.06.2013 | 42 | Large Wall Brown, Pararge maera | Serrada, Trentino |
16.06.2013 | 43 | Clouded Apollo, Parnassius, mnemosyne | Cimana di Pomarolo, Trentino |
19.06.2013 | 44 | Thor's Fritillary, Clossiana thore | Val di Rabbi, Trentino |
19.06.2013 | 45 | Darwin's Heath, Coenonympha darwiniana | Val di Rabbi, Trentino |
20.06.2013 | 46 | Small Pearl-Bordered Fritillary, Clossinana selene | Val di Rabbi, Trentino |
20.06.2013 | 47 | Small Copper, Lycaena phlaes | Val di Rabbi, Trentino |
25.06.2013 | 48 | Black-veined White, Aporia crataegi | Servis, Pomarolo, Trentino |
25.06.2013 | 49 | Marbled Fritillary, Brenthis daphne | Servis, Pomarolo, Trentino |
25.06.2013 | 50 | Twin-spot Fritillary, Brenthis hecate | Servis, Pomarolo, Trentino |
25.06.2013 | 51 | Marbled White, Melanargia galathea | Servis, Pomarolo, Trentino |
25.06.2013 | 52 | Meadow Brown, Maniola jurtina | Servis, Pomarolo, Trentino |
25.06.2013 | 53 | Ilex Hairstreak, Satyrium ilicis | Servis, Pomarolo, Trentino |
25.06.2013 | 53 | Silver-washed Fritillary, Argynnis paphia | Servis, Pomarolo, Trentino |
25.06.2013 | 53 | Peacock, Nymphalis io | Servis, Pomarolo, Trentino |
26.06.2013 | 54 | Essex Skipper, Thymelicus lineola | Servis, Pomarolo, Trentino |
28.06.2013 | 55 | Great-banded Grayling, Kanetisa circe | Ponte Porton, Croatia |
30.06.2013 | 56 | Cleopatra, Gonepteryx cleopatra | Rovigno, Croatia |
30.06.2013 | 57 | White Admiral, Limenitus camilla | Rovigno, Croatia |
03.07.2013 | 58 | Mallow Skipper, Carcharodus alcea | Brac Island, Croatia |
03.07.2013 | 59 | Tree Grayling | Brac Island, Croatia |
03.07.2013 | 60 | Woodland Grayling | Brac Island, Croatia |
04.07.2013 | 61 | Southern White Admiral | Brac Island, Croatia |
04.07.2013 | 62 | Southern Comma | Brac Island, Croatia |
05.07.2013 | 63 | Cardinal | Brac Island, Croatia |
05.07.2013 | 64 | Eastern Bath White | Brac Island, Croatia |
23.07.2013 | 65 | Gatekeeper, Pyronia tithonus | Konjic, Bosnia |
23.07.2013 | 66 | Chalkhill Blue, Lysandra coridon | Konjic, Bosnia |
26.07.2013 | 67 | Purple Emperor, Apatura iris | Sarajevo, Bosnia |
26.07.2013 | 68 | Common Glider, Neptis sappho | Sarajevo, Bosnia |
26.07.2013 | 69 | Lesser Purple Emperor, Apatura ilia | Sarajevo, Bosnia |
27.07.2013 | 70 | Camberwell Beauty, Nymphalis antiopa | Sarajevo, Bosnia |
27.07.2013 | 71 | Poplar Admiral, Limenitis populi | Sarajevo, Bosnia |
30.07.2013 | 72 | Map, Arachnia levana | Prijedor, Bosnia |
30.07.2013 | 73 | Short-tailed Blue.,Everes argiades | Prijedor, Bosnia |
31.07.2013 | 74 | Large Copper | Karlovac, Croatia. |
02.08.2013 | 75 | Arran Brown / Large Ringlet, Erebia ligea | Pasubio, Trentino, Italy |
02.08.2013 | 76 | Shepherds Fritillary. Boloria pales | Pasubio, Trentino, Italy |
06.08.2013 | 77 | Dryad | Rovereto, Trentino. Italy |
06.08.2013 | 78 | Purple Hairstreak, | Rovereto, Trentino. Italy |
06.08.2013 | 79 | Scotch Argus | Rovereto, Trentino. Italy |
08.08.2013 | 80 | High Brown Fritillary | Servis, Trentino, Italy |
13.08.2013 | 81 | Moorland Clouded Yellow, Colias palaeno | Val di Riva, Alto Adige, Italy |
13.08.2013 | 82 | Eros Blue, Polyommatus eros | Val di Riva, Alto Adige, Italy |
13.08.2013 | 83 | Lesser Mountain Ringlet | Val di Riva, Alto Adige, Italy |
13.08.2013 | 84 | Scarce Copper, Lycaenae vigaureae | Val di Riva, Alto Adige, Italy |
16.08.2013 | 85 | Ottoman brassy Ringlet | Monte Altissimo, Trentino, Italy |
18.08.2013 | 86 | Knapweed Fritillary | Val di Peio, Trentino |
18.08.2013 | 87 | Water Ringlet | Val di Peio, Trentino |
18.08.2013 | 88 | Common Brassy Ringlet | Val di Peio, Trentino |
18.08.2013 | 89 | Mountain Ringlet | Val di Peio, Trentino |
18.08.2013 | 90 | Mnestra's Ringlet | Val di Peio, Trentino |
18.08.2013 | 91 | Mountain Fritillary | Val di Peio, Trentino |
18.08.2013 | 92 | Marsh Fritillary | Val di Peio, Trentino |
18.08.2013 | 93 | Titania's Fritillary | Val di Peio, Trentino |
02.09.2013 | 94 | Hermit | Costacciaro, Umbria |
03.09.2013 | 95 | Lang's Short-tailed Blue | Costacciaro, Umbria |
was rather late in the year starting this page and haven't added
as many photos to the text as I would have liked. However, I hope
readers find the entries interesting). March 2nd Pomarolo, Pedersano, Servis, Castel Barco. The first warm, spring-like day of the year. Sightings: Large Tortoiseshell, Red Admiral, Small Tortoiseshell, Nettle-tree Butterfly March 23rd Pomarolo. View of the old castle 'Castel Barco'. Still very wintery. Sightings: Large Tortoiseshell, Comma, Nettle-tree Butterfly (but couldn't get better photo.) April 1st Montalcino, Tuscany. Cool, wet weather. The couple of hours that I managed to get out for a walk were very disappointing, with only a few Holly Blues about. April 6th Isera and Servis, Sunny morning. Holly Blues, Large Tortoiseshells, Green-veined Whites and this caterpillar. April 13th Pedersano. Finally, a warm sunny day after lots of rain. After walking through acres of vineyards, I came to a little hillock overlooking the main valley. A beautiful spot, with 4 or 5 Large Tortoiseshells basking in the sun, a Red Admiral a little further away and two Scarce SwallowtaiIs battling for their territory and the command of a bush. After a few minutes a Swallowtail appeared and joined in the fight, eventually sending the two Scarce Swallowtails away and claiming the bush for himself. And … for a split second, I thought I saw a Camberwell Beauty fly past, but despite searching nearby and patiently waiting for a return fly-past, I have no confirmation of the sighting. So far, I have never definitely seen a Camberwell Beauty in our local area. (Guy Padfield : how do you get them to fly down at you!!) The Large Tortoiseshells occasionally flew up to feed on the sticky buds of this tree (White willow - salix alba?). April 28th Rainy morning, but got out for a walk when it stopped. As the moisture was forming low mist and clouds which were slowly rising up the mountain, I decided to drive up to 900 m to get above the clouds. Here is the view. I was looking for Green Hairstreaks and, sure enough, there were some about. (see main web page for photos). A nice surprise on the way down, as the weather was brightening up (view), - the first Glanville Fritillary of the year. May 4th Still very wet everywhere around, but a pleasant morning on the local mounain-side (photo). As happens every year at this time, there are lots of large reddy-brown moths flying about in the woods. They always fly in a haphazard, unpredictable way and never ever seem to stop or rest and I have never been able to identify them. This year I decided to try to make a special effort to get photos of them , but, because their flight is so jittery and unpredictable, it took me ages before I got a decent (blurred) photo that I could enlarge and identify. The moth (at the bottom centre of the photo), as I suspected, was a Tau Emperor. I hope to get better pictures at some stage. (See 12th May) May 9th Walk around Lago San Colombano. Nice warm day. Lots about: Speckled Woods (see main web-page for photo), Small Blues (nmain web-page), Chequered Blues, Orange Tips. May 11th It rained all morning and most of the afternoon, but when the sun came out at about 5.30, I decided to go for a late-afternoon walk in the meadows in Servis (photo). Two grassy meadows had nothing, but another nearby was full of Blues of various kinds, with several newly-emerged Green-underside Blues. I also found a sole Swallowtail resting peacefully high up on a blade of grass, willing to pose for some photos. (See main web-pages for photos of species mentioned). May 12th A walk to the same area as on 4th May. This time I was lucky enough to see a Tau Emperor moth settle on a plant, where it stayed long enough to get some good photos of it!(Here and here). A beautifully-coloured day-flying moth! May 18th A trip to Moietto at 1,300m asl, with the aim of finding some Duke of Burgundy Fritillaries, but with the cool weather and rain, everything was very wet and there was absolutely nothing of interest about. Decided to come down the mountain a bit (photo), where there were a few things flying in a grassy meadow, including some Chequered Blues and this Pale Clouded Yellow (see main page). A bit further along the path, a nice encounter and photo shoot with this metre-long colubro (Biacco "carbonarius") snake. No Duke of Burgundies, though. Shortly after, it began to rain … again! May 26th Walked on local mountain. A sunny but very cool morning. Just 32 hours before it had snowed down to about 1000m (the mountain in the background in this photo was all white, not just the peak) and the previous afternoon it had rained heavily. I started off in Servis, which is about 600m asl. Here is a photo of the area. There were Wood Whites, Green- underside blues (photo), Common Blues, and one Adonis Blue about, plus the first appearance this year of a Spotted Fritillary. There was this caterpillar feeding on hazel nut. (photo)I followed footpaths up through the woods to Cimana (1,200m asl), but it was not particularly pleasant in the meadows on top, as the clouds were now building up and there was a cold wind (photo). The only butterflies flying were Grizzled Skippers. Further down, the sun came out and there were many more about; several Chequered Blues, lots of Red Admirals (photo), several Pearl-Bordered Fritillaries, a Pale Clouded Yellow, which never stopped for me to get a photo and finally, as I was walking back to the car, the first Duke of Burgundy Fritillary of the year (photo). June 1st As I was in Trento in the morning, I took advantage of the non-rainy weather and drove up to a nearby mountain, parking at about 800 metres. There wasn’t much around early on because it was fairly cool and windy, but as the hazy sunshine warmed the air, a few things started to come out – first a small tortoiseshell, then this Red Admiral, then a Green Hairstreak then 2 Scarce Swallowtails swooping around. Having exhausted what there was to see on the hill I had climbed (a disappointing start to the day), I retraced my steps down and started on another path. This time, there was one particular field at just over 1000 metres, full of Duke of Burgundy Fritillaries, each of them trying to guard its own little bit of territory. There were also a couple of Brimstones flying around, the female of which I spotted laying eggs. Here is the photo. The view from the top of the field looks out on to the mountains to the north and the town of Pergine just a few kilometres east of Trento in the Valsugana valley. I continued walking, mainly in the woods, but as the clouds were now building up and it was turning distinctly chilly, I decided to get back to the car. June 2nd Went up to Cimana, an area with woods and meadows at 1,300m, but very little around again. A couple of Duke of Burgundy Fritillaries were the only things worth noting. Further down the mountain where the temperature was much higher, there was much more about. This flowery meadow was full of blues, mostly Silver-Studded (this one liked my jeans) and Adonis (mating couple) with the odd Spotted Fritillary, Pale Clouded Yellow and Scarce Swallowtail appearing now and again. A bit further on, a Pearl-Bordered Fritillary posed nicely for a photo. June 8th A sunny Saturday morning, but with rain forecast later (just for a change!), so out for a walk (grassy path) at 1,100m a.s.l. Geranium Arguses now out, and a Sooty Copper, plus my first Queen Of Spain Fritillaries for the year – two very tiny examples. Strange not having seen any earlier in the season. Other interesting encounters included this moth (?) and this ‘natrice del collare’ snake, which was just warming itself on the road in front of me. June 14th A really nice day, but unfortunately I couldn’t get out until mid- afternoon. Everything around was far too active and I struggled to get near enough for any decent photos. Here is an Amanda’s Blue, a Mazarine Blue, a Small Heath and a terrible picture of one of the several newly emerged Nettle-Tree butterflies on the wing. With the high temperature there was no chance for a wings-open shot. There were also Heath Fritillaries about and a Large Wall. With the rain clouds forming across the valley (view) and this parting shot of a brown caterpillar, I headed home. June 15th It was more-or-less this time last June when I had a close encounter with a Poplar Admiral and got some reasonable photos. So, I went back to the same mountain( photo) todayin the faint hope that I might have a repeat experience but, although I walked well over 10 kms, there was no sign of this wonderful butterfly. It’s probably far too early. With the cold, wet early months of the year, everything seems to be later. However, I was very pleased to find a small colony of Chequered Skippers in a meadow near where I parked my car and this time I was early enough to get some forewing shots as they were warming themselves in the sun. (For other photos , see the main species page.) Other butterflies spotted were lots of Small Blues, Small Tortoiseshells, Red Admirals, Large Walls, my first Painted Lady of the year and several Narrow-Bordered Bee Hawk Moths.This chamois also stopped still long enough for a photo. Finally, here is a view from the village of Serrada of the mountain where I walked. June 16th. We are up in Cimana (1,300m asl) for our turn helping the local Pro-loco association prepare meals in the mountain house there. Only about 35 lunches today, despite the good weather. While the matriciana sauce was cooking, I escaped to the surrounding meadows for a look around. Much more about now than my last visit only two weeks ago: lots of Duke of Burgundy Fritillaries and lots of Clouded Apollos on the wing, along with Grizzled Skippers, Red Admirals, Large Whites and Wood Whites. Back to the cooking! June 19th - 21st. We have come up to a campsite in the Val di Rabbi for a couple of days, where last year at the very beginning of July I saw lots of butterflies and got pictures of several new species (for me). Arriving in the afternoon, I went for a quick walk along the side of a stream (photo). A good start, with an appearance of a Thor's Fritillary, which I had only seen for a few seconds last year, followed by lots of Pearly / Darwin's Heaths. (See main pages for photos). Unfortunately, being a hot day, all the butterflies were very active and it was difficult to get close enough for good photos. Other species seen on our walks (photo, photo) from 1,200m a.s.l. up to 2,200m a.s.l. included Speckled Woods and Dingy Skippers (great numbers of both), Chequered Skippers, Grizzled Skippers, Woodland Ringlets, Pearl-Bordered and Small Pearl-Bordered Fritillaries, Mazarines Blues, Small Blues, Small Coppers, Sooty Coppers, Common Blues, Chapman's Blues, Large Wall Browns, Green-veined, Large, Small and Wood Whites, Red Admirals and Small Tortoiseshells. To tell the truth, I was disappointed that there were no early showings of other Copper Species or other Fritillaries. However, some great scenery to take in and some strenuous exercise was good for both myself and my wife. June 28th-30th.
Travelling from Trieste to Rovigno in Istria, we saw scores of Great
Banded Graylings (photo) along the way (see main species page for others), so many in fact that many were lying
dead on the road , having been hit by the passing cars. This was a new
species for me, but even from the car, I guessed what butterfly it
was. When I convinced my wife to stop for 10 minutes for me to get some
photos, at a particular moment there were four of them sitting on a
branch along with a Large Tortoiseshell and a Red Admiral.
Unfortunately, before I had a chance to aim the camera, another butterfly flew near and they all scattered. July 1st - 21st. On holiday on the island of Brac in Croatia. As usual, there were hundreds of
Woodland Graylings (and here)and Tree Graylings flying around the pine
trees amidst the dry grass and prickly vegetation; by far the most
common butterflies on the island. An interesting find early on in the holiday was
this enormous Giant Peacock Moth caterpillar (two of them, in
fact, on adjacent bushes), twice as big as my thumb and fatter. July 22nd - 31st.
Touring Bosnia. Visits to Blagaj, Mostar, Sarajevo and Prijedor. On our
second day in Sarajevo(26th July), having some free time in the
morning, I went for a run and discovered a butterfly-hunter's
paradise near the River Bosna. At the edge of some thick woods along a
shady, grassy bank along a country road near the river, there were
dozens of Silver-washed Fritillaries, White Admirals and Meadow Browns
flitting around. All of a sudden, an enormous female Purple Emperor
swooped down to feed from the damp undergrowth. (photo) None of my photos are
particularly good, because it would not stay still long enough,
but kept walking, turning, opening and closing its wings, taking off,
landing again, once on my back and once on the back of my leg (my
contortionist days are long finished!) It zoomed off a good minute
later. and did not come back. However, Common Gliders began to appear
(my first experience of this butterfly), followed by one or two
male Purple Emperors, which settled for a few seconds before taking off
for the higher branches, and then a lightning visit of a Lesser Purple Emperor (photo). It settled in the shade a good 10m away, so, again, my photo
(the first I have of this species) was a long badly-aimed shot. At this
point, as it was lunchtime, I decided to call it a day, and
resumed my run back to the campsite. August 3rd.
Back in Italy and a trip up a local mountain. Most common butterflies:
Large Ringlets/ Arran Browns. The highlight, though, was seeing a male
Purple Emperor fly past, guessing that it would find a vantage point at
the very peak of the mountain (2,140m asl) (photo), finding it there
and getting some good shots of it. It kept flying off for a few moments
to defend its territory (mainly against a Swallowtail, which had also
decided to claim the hilltop as its own) but always returned to more or
less the same bush (photo) where it was obviously looking out for a mate. After
about an hour my second stroke of luck in 8 days - lo and behold, a
large, fresh, female Purple Emperor appeared from nowhere and settled
just out of view behind a bush. Strangely enough, the male didn't see
it arrive and only when I disturbed it by trying to get into a position
to take a photo, did the male zoom up into the air and fly off
with the female. After 5 minutes, much to my surprise, the male
returned alone, the female for some reason having rejected him. August 12th, 16th, 18th and 19th.
A trip to some of the higher mountains in Trentino and Alto Adige
in the hope of still finding some of the higher altitude species.
In Alto Adige at 1.900m asl (photo), I was lucky enough to come across a
pale-looking Clouded Yellow, which turned out to be a Moorland Clouded
Yellow, a new species for me, and on returning to the car a
pale-looking blue, which I believe is an Eros Blue (See main pages for
photos). Lots of Common (and Swiss) Brassy Ringlets were about and a
small colony of Scarce Coppers (photo). The rainy weather cut our walks
slightly shorter than we would have liked, but they were rewarding all
the same. September 2nd, 3rd, 4th.
We had the opportunity to spend a few days in a campsite in the heart
of Umbria, a rare occasion to go butterfly hunting in Italy outside of
my usual area in the north. Being so late in the season, my
expectations were not very high, especially because we had just spent a
short period in Pescara on the Adriatic coast for a family wedding,
where the only butterflies that I had seen were Large Whites (admittedly along the sea-front). Anyway, my trip up Monte Cucco (photo), not far from Gubbio, rewarded me with my first Italian photos of Hermit
butterflies (at 1,200m asl) and Great Banded Graylings (the latter
previous;ly encountered for the first time in Croatia at the beginning
of July). There were also lots of Tree Graylings and Woodland Graylings everywhere, but particularly along this path (photo). I also witnessed the courtship ritual of Woodland Graylings, bowing and curtseying in front of each other. (photo). |