26.01.19. | 1 | Red Admiral, Vanessa Atalanta | Chiusole, Trentino, Italy |
09.02.19 | 2 | Wall Brown, Lasiommata megera | Chiusole, Trentino, Italy |
16.02.19 | 3 | Small Tortoiseshell, Aglais urticae | Chiusole, Trentino, Italy |
22.02.19. | 4 | Peacock, Nymphalis io | Pomarolo, Trentino, Italy |
22.02.19. | 5 | Comma, Polygonia c-album | Pomarolo, Trentino, Italy |
03.03.19. | 6 | Cleopatra, Gonepteryx cleopatra | Sonnino, Lazio, Italy |
03.03.19. | 7 | Large Tortoiseshell, Nymphalis polychloros | Sonnino, Lazio, Italy |
09.03.19. | 8 | Speckled Wood, Pararge aegeria | Sonnino, Lazio, Italy |
10.03.19. | 9 | Green-veined White, Pieris napi | Servis, Trentino, Italy |
10.03.19. | 10 | Green Hairstreak, Callophrys rubi | Servis, Trentino, Italy |
10.03.19. | 11 | Nettle-tree butterfly, Libythea celtis | Servis, Trentino, Italy |
10.03.19. | 12 | Brimstone, Gonepteryx rhamni | Servis, Trentino, Italy |
15.03.19 | 13 | Scarce Swallowtail, Iphiclides podalirius | Dietro Beseno, Trentino, Italy |
15.03.19 | 14 | Queen of Spain Fritillary, Issoria lathonia | Dietro Beseno, Trentino, Italy |
15.03.19 | 15 | Southern Small White, Artogeia mannii | Dietro Beseno, Trentino, Italy |
15.03.19. | 16 | Orange Tip Anthocharis cardamines | Dietro Beseno, Trentino, Italy |
16.03.19. | 17 | Swallowtail, Papilio machaon | Avio, Trentino, Italy |
16.03.19. | 18 | Holly Blue, Celastrina argiolus | Avio, Trentino, Italy |
31.03.19. | 19 | Grizzled Skipper, Pyrgus malvae | Noarna, Trentino, Italy |
31.03.19. | 20 | Mallow Skipper, Carcharodus alceae | Noarna, Trentino, Italy |
19.04.19. | (21) | Wood White, Leptidea sinapis | Zagreb, Croatia. |
19.04.19. | (22) | Dingy Skipper, Erynnis tages | Zagreb, Croatia. |
19.04.19. | (23) | Map
butterfly, Araschnia levana
(new photos on species page) | Zagreb, Croatia |
19.04.19. | (24) | Weaver's Fritillary, Clossiana dia | Zagreb, Croatia |
19.04.19. | (25) | Small Heath, Coenonympha pamphilus | Zagreb, Croatia |
20.04.19. | (26) | Southern
Festoon, Zerynthia polyxena
(new photos on species page) | Zagreb, Croatia. |
20.04.19. | (27) | Short-tailed Blue, Cupido argiades | Zagreb, Croatia. |
21.04.19. | (28) | Common Glider, Neptis sappho | Zagreb, Croatia |
21.04.19. | (29) | Clouded Yellow, Colias croceus | Zagreb, Croatia |
25.04.19. | (30) | Duke of Burgundy Fritillary, Hamearis lucina | Tuhelj, Croatia |
01.05.19. | 21a | Wood White, Leptidea sinapis | San Colombano, Rovereto, Trentino, Italy |
01.05.19. | 22b | Dingy Skipper, Erynnis tages | San Colombano, Rovereto, Trentino, Italy |
01.05.19. | 25b | Small Heath, Coenonympha pamphilus | San Colombano, Rovereto, Trentino, Italy |
01.05.19. | 31 | Eastern Short-tailed Blue, Everes decoloratus | San Colombano, Rovereto, Trentino, Italy |
01.05.19. | 32 | Chequered Blue, Scolitantides orion | San Colombano, Rovereto, Trentino, Italy |
01.05.19. | 33 | Sooty Copper, Lycaena tityrus | San Colombano, Rovereto, Trentino, Italy |
01.05.19. | 34 | Berger's Clouded Yellow, Colias alfacariensis | San Colombano, Rovereto, Trentino, Italy |
01.05.19. | 35 | Small Blue, Cupido minimus | Zaffoni, Rovereto, Trentino, Italy |
01.05.19. | 36 | Glanville Fritillary, Melitaea cinxia | Zaffoni, Rovereto, Trentino, Italy |
01.05.19. | 37 | Spotted Fritillary, Melitaea didyma | Zaffoni, Rovereto, Trentino, Italy |
01.05.19. | 38 | Common Blue, Polyommatus icarus | Zaffoni, Rovereto, Trentino, Italy |
01.05.19. | 39 | Small Copper, Lycaena phlaeas | Zaffoni, Rovereto, Trentino, Italy |
11.05.19. | (40) | Heath Fritillary, Mellicta athalia | Zagreb, Croatia. |
11.05.19. | (41) | Knapweed Fritillary, Melitaea phoebe | Zagreb, Croatia |
16.05.19. | 42 | Green-underside Blue, Glaucopsyche alexis | Servis, Trentino, Italy |
16.05.19. | 43 | Small Blue, Cupido minimus | Servis, Trentino, Italy |
23.05.19. | 44 | Adonis Blue, Polyommatus bellargus | Moietto, Trentino, Italy |
23.05.19. | 45 | Red Underwing Skipper, Pyrgus sertorius | Moietto, Trentino, Italy |
01.06.19. | 30b | Duke of Burgundy Fritillary, Hamearis Lucina | Monte Stivo, Trentino, Italy |
01.06.19. | 46 | Woodland Ringlet, Erebia medusa | Monte Stivo, Trentino, Italy |
01.06.19. | 47 | Northern Wall Brown, Lasiommata petropolitana | Monte Stivo, Trentino, Italy |
01.06.19. | 48 | Chapman's Blue, Polyommatus thersites | Monte Stivo, Trentino, Italy |
01.06.19. | 49 | De Prunner's Ringlet, Erebia triaria | Monte Stivo, Trentino, Italy |
01.06.19. | 50 | Pearl-bordered Fritillary, Clossiana euphrosyne | Monte Stivo, Trentino, Italy |
09.06.19. | 51 | Marbled White, Melanargia, galathea | Servis, Trentino, Italy |
09.06.19. | 52 | Meadow Brown, Maniola jurtina | Servis, Trentino, Italy |
09.06.19. | 53 | Pearly Heath, Coenonympha arcania | Servis, Trentino, Italy |
09.06.19. | 54 | Twin-spot Fritillary, Brenthis hecate | Servis, Trentino, Italy |
09.06.19. | 55 | Large Skipper, Ochlodes venatus | Servis, Trentino, Italy |
09.06.19. | 56 | Silver-studded Blue, Plebejus argus | Servis, Trentino, Italy |
09.06.19. | 57 | Safflower Skipper, Pyrgus carthami | Servis, Trentino, Italy |
10.06.19 | 58 | Lesser Purple Emperor, Apatura ilia | Villa Lagarina, Trentino, Italy |
14.06.19. | 59 | False
Heath Fritillary, Melitaea diamini
(new photos on species page) | Valdastico, Veneto, Italy |
16.06.19. | 60 | Black-veined White, Aporia crataegi | Trento, Trentino, Italy |
18.06.19. | 61 | Silver-washed Fritillary, Argynnis paphia | Piediluco, Umbria, Italy |
19.06.19. | 62 | Large White, Pieris brassicae | Polino, Umbria, Italy |
19.06.19. | 63 | Great Banded Grayling, Kanetisa circe | Polino, Umbria, Italy |
19.06.19. | 40b | Heath Fritillary, Mellicta athalia | Polino, Umbria, Italy |
19.06.19. | 64 | Essex Skipper/Small Skipper, Thymelicus lineola / silvestris | Polino, Umbria, Italy |
19.06.19. | 65 | Tufted
Marbled Skipper, Carcharodus flocciferus
(new species
for this site) | Polino, Umbria, Italy |
19.06.19. | 66 | Ilex Hairstreak, Satyrium ilicis | Polino, Umbria, Italy |
20.06.19 | 67 | Southern White Admiral, Limenitis reducta | Piediluco, Umbria, Italy |
20.06.19. | 68 | Large Chequered Skipper, Hereropterus morpheus | Piediluco, Umbria, Italy |
21.06.19. | 69 | Painted Lady, Vanessa cardui | Sonnino, Lazio, Italy |
21.06.19. | 70 | Italian
Marbled White, Melanargia arge
(new species for this site) | Sonnino, Lazio, Italy |
21.06.19. | 71 | Southern Gatekeeper, Pyronia cecilia | Sonnino, Lazio, Italy |
21.06.19. | 72 | Brown Argus, Aricia agestis | Sonnino, Lazio, Italy |
21.06.19. | 73 | Small Skipper, Thymelicus silvestris | Sonnino, Lazio, Italy |
29.06.19. | 74 | Marbled Fritillary, Brenthis daphne | Sonnino, Lazio, Italy |
29.06.19. | 75 | Grayling, Hipparchia semele | Sonnino, Lazio, Italy |
29.06.19. | 76 | Woodland Grayling, Hipparchia fagi | Sonnino, Lazio, Italy |
29.06.19. | 77 | Long-tailed Blue, Lampides boeticus | Sonnino, Lazio, Italy |
08.07.19. | 78 | Baton Blue, Pseudophilotes baton | Sonnino, Lazio, Italy |
13.07.19. | 79 | Alpine Heath, Coenonympha gardetta | Val di Rabbi, Trentino, Italy |
13.07.19. | 80 | Almond-eyed Fritillary, Erebia alberganus | Val di Rabbi, Trentino, Italy |
13.07.19. | 81 | Lesser Mountain Ringlet, Erebia melampus | Val di Rabbi, Trentino, Italy |
13.07.19. | 82 | Scarce Copper, Lycaena virgaureae | Val di Rabbi, Trentino, Italy |
13.07.19. | 83 | Dark Green Fritillary, Argynnis aglaja | Val di Rabbi, Trentino, Italy |
p13.07.19. | 84 | Titania's Fritillary, Clossiana titania | Val di Rabbi, Trentino, Italy |
13.07.19. | 85 | Silver-spotted Skipper, Hesperia comma | Val di Rabbi, Trentino, Italy |
13.07.19. | 86 | Arran Brown, Erebia ligea | Val di Rabbi, Trentino, Italy |
13.07.19. | 87 | Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary, Clossiana selene | Val di Rabbi, Trentino, Italy |
13.07.19. | 88 | Purple-edged Copper, Lycaena hippothoe | Val di Rabbi, Trentino, Italy |
13.07.19. | 89 | Moorland Clouded Yellow, Colias palaeno | Val di Rabbi, Trentino, Italy |
13.07.19. | 90 | Shepherd's Fritillary, Boloria pales | Val di Rabbi, Trentino, Italy |
13.07.19. | 91 | Alpine Grayling, Oeneis glacialis | Val di Rabbi, Trentino, Italy |
13.07.19. | 92 | Dewy Ringlet, Erebia pandrose | Val di Rabbi, Trentino, Italy |
13.07.19. | 93 | Dusky Grizzled Skipper, Pyrgus cacaliae | Val di Rabbi, Trentino, Italy |
13.07.19. | 94 | Silky Ringlet, Erebia gorge | Val di Rabbi, Trentino, Italy |
13.07.19. | 95 | Large Blue, Phengaris arion | Val di Rabbi, Trentino, Italy |
13.07.19. | 96 | Peak
White, Pontia callidice
(New photos on Species Page) | Val di Rabbi, Trentino, Italy |
13.07.19. | 97 | Cranberry Blue, Plebejus optilete | Val di Rabbi, Trentino, Italy |
13.07.19. | 98 | Small Apollo, Parnassius phoebus | Val di Rabbi, Trentino, Italy |
13.07.19. | 99 | Large Wall Brown, Lassiommata maera | Val di Rabbi, Trentino, Italy |
13.07.19. | 100 | Mazarine Blue, Cyaniris semiargus | Val di Rabbi, Trentino, Italy |
21.07.19. | (101) | White-letter Hairstreak, Satyrium w-album
| Zagreb, Croatia |
21.07.19. | (102) | Great Sooty Satyr, Satyrus ferula | Zagreb, Croatia |
23.07.19. | (103) | Cardinal, Argynnis pandora | Bol, Island of Brac, Croatia |
23.07.19. | (104) | Tree Grayling, Neohipparchia statilinus | Bol, Island of Brac, Croatia |
31.07.19. | (105) | Eastern Bath White, Pontia edusa | Bol, Island of Brac, Croatia |
02.08.19. | (106) | Southern Comma, Polygonia egea | Bol, Island of Brac, Croatia |
16.08.19. | (107) | Lulworth Skipper, Thymelicus acteon | Fonte Cerreto.Gran Sasso, Abruzzo, Italy |
16.08.19. | (108) | Chalkhill Blue, Polyommatus coridon | Fonte Cerreto.Gran Sasso, Abruzzo, Italy |
16.08.19. | (109) | Autumn Ringlet, Erebia neoridas | Fonte Cerreto.Gran Sasso, Abruzzo, Italy |
16.08.19. | 103 | Cardinal, Argynnis pandora | Fonte Cerreto.Gran Sasso, Abruzzo, Italy |
17.08.19. | 110 | Common Brassy Ringlet, Erebia cassioides | Gran Sasso, Abruzzo, Italy |
17.08.19. | 111 | Apollo, Parnassius apollo | Gran Sasso, Abruzzo, Italy |
17.08.19. | 112 | Niobe Fritillary, Argynnis niobe | Gran Sasso, Abruzzo, Italy |
04.09.19. | 113 | Marbled Ringlet, Erebia montana | Val de la Mare, Trentino, Italy |
04.09.19. | 114 | Water Ringlet, Erebia pronoe | Val de la Mare, Trentino, Italy |
11.09.19. | 115 | Dryad, Minois dryas | Pomarolo, Trentino, Italy |
14.09.19. | 116 | Scotch Argus, Erebia aethiops | Rovereto, Trentino, Italy |